Welcome to Nature Plays Forest School

  • We encourage children's growth through self-aware, confident exploration in natural environments.
  • While we prioritize safety, adventure and free play can occasionally lead to minor accidents.
  • This brief form helps us ensure your child's wellbeing during our activities.

Have you already filled this form out this year (2025)? Great! Hit the X top right and continue with checkout.

Essential Information

  • This form covers all Nature Plays activities (holiday camps, weekly sessions, workshops etc.).
  • It is not applicable to birthday parties or school outings
  • NB: Only a parent can fill out the indemnity information.

Safety First

  • All lead facilitators are First Aid qualified
  • Weather checks are conducted daily; sessions proceed rain or shine with shelter provided
  • Cancellations due to severe weather will be rescheduled

Ready for Adventure

  • Pack comfortable, weather-appropriate clothes that can get messy
  • Bring spare clothes, lunch, snacks, and water
  • Join our session WhatsApp group for updates and communication

A detailed indemnity document will be sent to you by email after registration.

Contact Information

Please provide your contact information

Your Child

Tell us more about your child

Acknowledgment of Risk

  • By participating in Nature Plays activities, you acknowledge:
  • Outdoor play involves inherent risks
  • Minor scratches, bumps, or bruises may occur
  • Natural environments contain variable elements
  • Following facilitator guidance is essential for safety
In case of a minor emergency event, I give the main Forest School Facilitator my permission to perform first aid on my child. *
In case of a more serious emergency event, I give the Forest School Facilitators, my permission to contact an available emergency service or take my child to the closest hospital or emergency clinic. *

Your child

Photography & Documentation

We document sessions for safety and learning purposes. Photos may be used for:

  • Internal documentation
  • Parent communication
  • Program development
  • Marketing (with explicit permission)
Please indicate your preference regarding photography and documentation *
All information supplied in this Indemnity form is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. *

Your child

Legal Indemnification

By signing this form, you agree to release Nature Plays Forest School and its staff from liability for:

  • Typical risks associated with outdoor play
  • Accidents occurring despite proper supervision
  • Loss or damage to personal items
  • Weather-related schedule changes

This agreement remains valid for all Nature Plays sessions attended by your child during the current year.

I have read and understand. *

Thank You!


Once submitted please hit the "X" in the top right corner to proceed