Navigating Overstimulation: The Power of Purposeful Play Zones for Young Children
A three-year-old child growing up in the fast-paced, screen-saturated world of the current decade is experiencing unprecedented levels of [...]
Are Forest Schools a trend? | A look at early childhood education as a necessary response to a changing world
Yes, but are Forest schools just a trend? You may be wondering this exact thing as you consider where [...]
15 Innovative Forest School Activities To Do in Spring
If you’re looking for ways to get the kids more engaged in the natural world - and possibly pull [...]
Unlocking Potential in Nature: How Scaffolding Boosts Forest School Learning
Is all that mud and unstructured play really preparing my child learn for grade R or later schooling?Many parents, upon [...]
Dig in! Why Muddy Play is Good for Your Child’s Gut
Playing in dirt isn't just fun, it's essential for a child's developing gut microbiome, so muddy-play actually impacts their overall [...]
The benefits of open-ended play
Open the doors to open-ended play! As much as I love to encourage my children [...]